How to Record Interest
Overview: This will walk you through the steps on how to properly record interest in TrustBooks.
- Create a Client called IOLTA Interest.
From the Navigation Pane select CLIENTS & MATTERS and Create Client.
- Enter IOLTA Interest in Client Name and Matter Name and select SAVE.
- When interest is deposited into your bank account. Enter that as a deposit with the Client as IOLTA Interest.
You can do this by selecting Deposits and Enter Deposit on the Navigation Pane
- Select IOLTA Interest as the Client, enter the Memo, select the Type, the Amount and the Date. Then select Record Deposit.
- When the interest comes out of your bank account you will process this as a payment from the Client IOLTA Interest.
You can do this by selecting Withdrawals and Process Withdrawal on the Navigation Pane
- Select IOLTA Interest as the Client, fill in the Date, Amount, the Payee and Description. Then select Save Withdrawal.