Printing a Matter Ledger


This tutorial will walk you through the steps to print a matter ledger in TrustBooks.


  1. From the Navigation Pane, select CLIENTS & MATTERS.

  1. Select View Clients and Matters List from the CLIENTS & MATTERS drop-down menu.

  1. On the View Clients and Matters List select the name of the client whose matter ledger you want to print.

  1. The selected client’s matter ledger is displayed, listing all transaction for this specific matter. Select Print Client Ledger from the drop-down, select the "as of" date, and select Run Reports.

  1. The Downloads box will pop-up on your screen showing the reconciliation as a pdf. Click Open File on the pdf to view it.

The pdf of the Trust Ledger Statement report will open in a new window:

Depending on your Internet browser settings the PDF may just download within the existing window versus opening in another window.
  1. Print your PDF to your printer. This step to print could vary depending on the printing software being used.