How to Remove Checks off the Print Check Page

Overview: This article will walk you through the steps on how to remove checks off the Print Check Page. 

Shortcut: Locate the payment page of the check you want to remove from the Print Check page, Uncheck the Print Check box at the bottom and click UPDATE:


  1. From the Navigation Pane, select Print Checks under the PAYMENTS and section

  1. This will open the Print Checks Page. Select the account from the drop-down list to see the checks. 

  1. Determine which checks need to be removed.  
Highlighted check above being removed in this example
  1. In the top right-hand corner use the search bar to search the Client Name that the check belongs to, and press enter. 

  1. Click on the Client's name to open the ledger. The Client's ledger is now open and shows the transactions. 

  1. Select the transaction that you want to remove off the Print Check page; click on any of the blue text to open the transaction. 

  1. This opens up the transaction. Uncheck the print check box at the bottom of the payment and select Update

The check has now been removed off the Print Checks page.